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How to accelerate the rise of China's aviation temperature control logistics industry? Zhou Yunjie, a deputy to the National People's Congress, suggested doing just that

2023/3/7 16:29:51

在新一轮全球产业重构背景下,冷链物流正在成为影响高端产业国际供应链加速重构的关键环节,更是撬动生物医药等战略新兴产业高速发展的新蓝海。数据显示,2022年,我国冷链物流行业市场规模突破4500亿元,增速迅猛。而随着市场扩张、需求增长,产业配套体系建设等方面的短板也愈发凸显。In the context of a new round of global industrial restructuring, cold chain logistics is becoming a key link affecting the accelerated restructuring of the international supply chain of high-end industries, but also a new blue ocean to leverage the rapid development of strategic emerging industries such as biomedicine. Statistics show that in 2022, the market scale of China's cold chain logistics industry exceeded 450 billion yuan, with rapid growth. With the expansion of the market, demand growth, industrial supporting system construction and other aspects of the weaknesses are also increasingly prominent.

Rooted in practice fertile soil, focus on the overall industrial development, in 2023 two sessions, the National People's Congress, Haier Group chairman of the board of directors, CEO Zhou Yunjie brought "Suggestions on accelerating the construction of China's aviation temperature control logistics modern industrial system", focusing on how to accelerate the rise of the industry under the current situation, to achieve high-quality development.

Scientific and technological breakthroughs to promote high-quality industrial development

China is the world's largest goods trading country, relying on the trillion-level fresh and pharmaceutical market, in recent years, our cold chain logistics is entering a rapid growth period from the initial stage, as early as 2020, the market size has been close to 383.2 billion yuan, with huge market space. In the field of high-end aviation temperature control logistics, biomedicine is the industry which occupies the highest proportion and the highest value, which also puts forward new requirements for the development of Chinese air temperature control equipment industry.

Due to a late start, China's aviation temperature control industry is currently faced with problems such as long-term dependence of core technology on others, high dependence on equipment import and imperfect supporting system, which is seriously incompatible with the development of relevant industries in China and international status. At the same time, the dependence on foreign active air temperature control logistics schemes is also easy to generate the risk of information leakage in strategic emerging industries.

"The 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Modern Logistics" proposes to speed up the development of international logistics network, strengthen the weak links, build an integrated operation of aviation logistics service platform, and gradually form a high-quality and efficient international aviation logistics service system. Driven by double market demand and policy support, our aviation air temperature control industry has ushered in a key window period to seize the opportunity to improve domestic demand "quantity" and "quality" and enhance the international initiative.

The development of any industry cannot be separated from the independent and controllable core technology support and the deep coordination of the industrial chain and supply chain. To promote the high-quality development of China's aviation temperature control industry, Zhou Yunjie made three suggestions:

We will formulate special projects and key R&D plans for core technologies of active aviation temperature control equipment, encourage the participation of enterprises, universities and other scientific research entities, and strengthen the upstream and downstream coordinated development of the industrial chain including basic raw materials and core components.

To further regulate the use of imported brand active air temperature control integrators on domestic aircraft, and ensure the safe, efficient and standardized operation of Chinese air temperature control logistics.

Accelerate the construction of supporting services and infrastructure standards for aviation temperature control logistics, and organize airlines, freight forwarders, and domestic active aviation temperature control logistics equipment enterprises to build an integrated and open ecological platform for aviation temperature control logistics industry.

With the support of a series of favorable policies, Haier has taken the lead in opening the "game-breaking" and exploration in the field of aviation temperature control. In September 2022, Haier's self-developed active air temperature control container arrived at Frankfurt Airport in Germany on the flight of China Southern Airlines Logistics, successfully completing its maiden flight. Data show that Haier's active air temperature control containers not only have better performance than foreign brands, but also reduce the cost of boxes by 30%-50%. This not only marks the successful opening of the first international route for China's self-developed active air temperature-controlled containers, but also means that high-end "made in China" aviation cold chain logistics equipment has officially stepped onto the international competition stage, releasing momentum for the safe and stable development of China's supply chain.

Construction of ecology, smooth industrial development double cycle

According to the report, we need to strengthen the internal driving force and reliability of the great domestic cycle, improve the quality of the international cycle, and make industrial and supply chains more resilient and safer. Under the background of the accelerated reconstruction of the international industrial chain and supply chain, the important role of aviation logistics in promoting the adjustment and optimization of the spatial-temporal organization of resource elements in the international cycle will be further highlighted.

In the tide of The Times, enterprises that are innovative and have a long-term layout are often more able to grasp the development opportunities. It only took Haier a little more than a year to realize the technological breakthrough from the ignorance of aviation temperature control box to the success of the first test flight of its self-developed products. Taking the breakthrough of independent and controllable core technologies as an opportunity, Haier has led the construction of the global aviation temperature control industry ecological platform and preliminarily completed the industrial globalization layout.

At present, Haier has gradually built an operation and maintenance network that radiates the global market. Overseas, the international operation and maintenance network with Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Liege and other airports as the fulcrum is becoming more and more perfect. In China, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other cities have also built corresponding operation and maintenance sites, becoming the "forerunner" to drive industrial development and accelerate industrial upgrading.

From technological breakthrough, platform construction to comprehensive breakthrough of globalization system layout, Haier's ecological advantages in emerging industries are reflected behind its rapid response to industrial needs and grasp of the trend of The Times.

The courage to step into "no man's land" stems from the accumulation of profound innovation resources and open innovation system. Based on user needs, Haier has built a global "10+N" innovation ecosystem and gathered global innovation resources through the HOPE innovation ecosystem platform to form an efficient and interconnected innovation layout.

Science and technology self-reliance, to have the strength of the "bureau". At the Haier Annual Innovation meeting at the beginning of this year, Zhou Yunjie clearly put forward that Haier will continue to focus on the two competition paths of smart residence and industrial Internet without distractions: Haier Smart Home as the carrier, to achieve the global leadership in the field of smart residence of the Internet of Things; Seize the new opportunities of digital economy, improve the industrial Internet platform of Kaos, and deepen the four vertical fields of large health industry, urban governance Internet, automobile industry Internet and new energy industry Internet.

Under the changing circumstances of the century, it is both an opportunity and a challenge. Facing the opportunities and challenges brought by the uncertainties in the world, Zhou Yunjie pointed out that "globalization should serve globalization". The exploration in the field of aviation temperature control is just the tip of the iceberg. With technology "breaking the game" as the cornerstone, Haier anchors the two major paths of intelligent residence and industrial Internet. Haier is making continuous efforts to promote the smooth circulation of both domestic and international. At the same time, as a multinational enterprise, Haier will make full use of its advantages in global layout, further release innovation momentum based on the real economy, radiate high-quality development of emerging industries with ecological advantages, and empower the construction of modern industrial system.

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